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October 2024

Knowledge sharing and learning workshop in Burundi

PARM in collaboration with the Government of Burundi, through the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector Group which is chaired by the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock (MINEAGRIE), will hold a two day workshop, from 23 to 24 May, to share knowledge and learning on agricultural risk management and to present the preliminary results of the risk assessment study using a value chain approach.

PARM at the ARFSD-10

As delegates gathered from 23 to 25 April 2024 for the Tenth Session of the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD-10), in the heart of Addis Ababa, PARM, hosted by IFAD, participated as the global partnership on Agricultural Risk Management (ARM) engaged in further contributing to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs, in particular SDGs 1, 2, 13 and 17. Organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), in collaboration with the African Union Commission (AUC), the African Development Bank (AfDB), and other United Nations agencies, the ARFSD-10 focused in “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063 and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: The effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions”. Read the full article

Knowledge sharing and learning workshop in Tunisia

PARM in collaboration with the Government of Tunisia, through the General Directorate of Financing Investment and Professional Organizations (DGFIOP) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries (MARHP) held a two day workshop, from 29 February to 1st March, to share knowledge and learning on agricultural risk management and to present the preliminary results of the risk assessment study using a value chain approach.

Madagascar bientôt dotée du projet de Gestion des Risques Agricoles pour la Croissance Inclusive et la Résilience (GRACIR)

Avec l’appui technique de la Plateforme pour la Gestion des Risques Agricoles (PARM), le Gouvernement Malgache sera bientôt doté du projet de Gestion des Risques Agricoles pour la Croissance Inclusive et la Résilience (GRACIR). L’aide-mémoire qui trace les grandes lignes dudit projet a été signé le 19 octobre 2023 par la Secrétaire Générale du Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Elevage (MINAE), Fanja Raharinomena et l’Expert Technique de la PARM, Jean-Claude Bidogeza. Ce, à la suite de l’atelier de consultation technique du comité interministériel et des partenaires techniques et financiers organisé par la PARM le 18 octobre à Antananarivo.

World Food Forum 2023: Youth-led initiatives for biodiversity protection and climate risk management promoted by PARM and IFAD Youth Network

At the World Food Forum 2023, The Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) and the IFAD Youth Network raised the voice of young people as agents of change who promote biodiversity as an approach to combat climate risks in food systems. Almost a hundred young people joined the hybrid side event “Harnessing Biodiversity’s Potential for Managing Climate Risks in Food Systems” on 17 October 2023 to learn more about the critical role of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use to manage agricultural and climate risks while building resilience.

PARM Stories Challenge

On the occasion of the celebration of #WorldFoodDay and the International #RuralWomenDay, PARM, in partnership with Africa 21, has launched the PARM Stories Challenge, inviting journalists and media professionals to create a compelling video that highlights the stories of rural farmers who have developed innovative initiatives to manage agricultural risks and enhance their own resilience, contributing to the sustainability of agri-food systems. During the webinar, key details of the Challenge will be presented and participants will be able to ask all their questions to the jury members. Join us. Together, let’s narrate the stories of our Farming Champions. The webinar will be held in English and in French.

Madagascar : Consultation des partenaires au développement dans le secteur agricole pour le développement d’un projet d’investissement en GRA

Dans le cadre du processus d’élaboration du Projet de Gestion des Risques Agricoles pour la Croissance Inclusive et la Résilience à Madagascar, la mission de la PARM a consulté, le 4 octobre 2023 lors d’un atelier à Antananarivo, Madagascar, les partenaires techniques et financiers, les acteurs du secteur privé et d’autres acteurs clés du secteur agricole et du développement rural au pays. L’objectif était de leur présenter les composantes du projet en vue d’orienter sa conception et d’intégrer leurs contributions.

Atelier de renforcement des capacités des experts de la Direction Générale des Etudes et des Statistiques Sectorielles (DGESS) du MARAH au Burkina Faso

Dans le cadre du Projet de Gestion des Risques Agricoles pour la résilience aux Aléas du Climat et des Marchés (PGRAAM) au Burkina Faso co-développé avec l’appui de la PARM, un atelier de renforcement des capacités des experts de la Direction Générale des Etudes et des Statistiques Sectorielles (DGESS) du Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Ressources Animales et Halieutiques (MARAH) sera proposé du 17 au 20 juillet 2023.

Workshop on Capacity Development in ARM

Within the framework of PARM country process, a new Capacity Development workshop will take place in Tunisia on 3 July 2023, to raise awareness of stakeholders on ARM.

PARM online training: Agricultural risks and solutions – capacity development and institutionalization

PARM will host an online training to introduce the concept of agricultural risk and to know more about how to measure and tackle multiple risks (environmental risks, market risks, social risks, etc.) in a holistic approach. The session will also explore tools to mitigate agricultural risk including warehouse receipt systems, access to information, climate-insurance, capacity development and much more. It will be an opportunity to discuss how to institutionalize agricultural risk management into university curricula and the practices of the private sector for a lasting impact and to learn about the institutionalization plans developed by academics, producers’ organizations and microfinance institutions in Senegal and Burkina Faso, with a gender lens.

Workshop on Capacity Development in ARM

Within the framework of PARM country process, a new Capacity Development workshop is taking place on 24 November, to raise awareness on ARM and train ARM trainers, as well as to pave the way for the institutionalisation of ARM in Madagascar.

INSURED at COP27: Strengthening farmers’ resilience through climate risk insurance: Who pays and how?

Within the framework of IFAD’s participation in COP27, PARM/INSURED will host the side-event “Strengthening farmers’ resilience through climate risk insurance: Who pays and how?”, to be held on 17th November.


INSURED panel at International Conference on Inclusive Insurance 2022

On 26 October, INSURED participates in a panel within the International Conference on Inclusive Insurance 2022 (24-28 October, 2022), and hosted by the Munich Re Foundation, the Microinsurance Network and the Insurance Association of Jamaica. The conference will bring together over 400 experts from 50+ countries to discuss and identify ways of accelerating growth and economic viability in inclusive insurance for emerging markets.

Project design mission in Niger

Following the first phase of the PARM process in Niger (2014-2019), PARM enhances its commitment to the Government Of Niger, by providing technical support in the design of an investment programme, integrating the ARM approach. In this framework, a new design mission is planned from 24 October to 4 November 2022.

Co-vision and co-creation workshop in Senegal

In the framework of the Senegal field mission planned for September, PARM will organize and facilitate a workshop on 26 September 2022. It will bring together the main actors of the agricultural, forestry, pastoral and fisheries sectors in Senegal as well as good practices and lessons learned that could be incorporated into the investment program design process will be presented.

Workshop on capacity development in Burkina Faso

To ensure the capacity building of local actors, PARM organized in April 2022 in Ouagadougou, a first training cycle on agricultural risk management. Within the framework of the collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture of Burkina Faso, a second capacity building cycle is scheduled from September 12 to 16, 2022, still in Ouagadougou, and will welcome nearly 40 participants.

PARM Capacity Development regional event at ANDE West Africa conference in Ghana: PARM participates in a 100% women panel

From 19 to 20 July, PARM will take part in the ANDE (Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs) conference in Ghana. The conference will focus on entrepreneurship development to fight global poverty and it will consist of three sessions: gender equality, environment & climate action, digitalization. PARM will attend two sessions; the gender session in collaboration with IFAD Ghana, and the Environment and Climate action session in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture of Burkina Faso and a training center from Senegal. The purpose for PARM to participate at the ANDE conference is to promote Capacity Development at regional level, mainstream gender as an ARM tool and highlight how ARM can support Climate action. PARM will also offer a capacity development workshop to IFAD Ghana on the 18th of July.

PARM holistic approach to Agricultural Risk Management: Linking research and practice

The PARM panel will take place on the 23rd of June within the IFAD22 Conference. It will address the three pillars of ARM process (risk assessment study, capacity development for agricultural risk management, and tools to address risk, for instance Insurance) through a gender lens. Registration:
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Validation workshop in Burkina Faso

In the framework of the investment project of Burkina Faso, aimed to ensure the full integration of agricultural risk management into national priorities, PARM is organizing a workshop that will bring together the members of the PARM technical committee set up in May 2021 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Fisheries Resources (MARAH) of Burkina Faso.

PARM Art Exhibition | FOOD HEROES : Les héros de la sécurité alimentaire et de l’agriculture durable

From June 1 to June 21, 2022 the PARM ART Exhibition will take place as a part of the 2022 Dakar Biennale, to bring together the selected artists who joined the #parmartchallenge, launched by PARM in 2021.  
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Design project mission in Burkina Faso


Capacity development workshop (CD2) in Senegal

The capacity development workshop (CD2) about agricultural risk management (ARM) took place from the 16th till the 20th of May, 2022 in Dakar.

G20 Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting 2021

The G20 Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting 2021 is one of the ministerial meetings organized as part of the G20 Leaders Summit 2021, which will be hosted by Italy in September 2021. The 2021 G20, under the Italian Presidency, will focus on three broad, interconnected pillars of action: People, Planet, Prosperity. Within these pillars, the G20 aims to take the lead in ensuring a swift international response to the COVID-19 pandemic – able to provide equitable, worldwide access to diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines – while building up resilience to future health-related shocks.

Knowledge, learning and validation workshop on ARM in Burkina Faso

PARM in collaboration with the Government of Burkina Faso has held a three day workshop, from 14 to 16 July, to share knowledge, learning and present the results of the risk assessment study.
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Why develop capacities on risk management in agriculture?

This is the first of a series of two webinars on the importance to develop and strengthen capacities to understand the risk environment in agriculture, through practical examples and highlighting challenges. The event will spotlight the leading approach to manage risks in a given context, which encompasses a holistic methodology, that has grounded the series of four elearning courses on agricultural risk management (ARM) developed by PARM and the FAO elearning Academy, in partnership with IFAD and NEPAD. The session will cover the first two elearning courses, which focus respectively on understanding and assessing risks in agriculture.
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PARM Stocktaking Exercise

PARM will report back to G20 as part of the stocktaking exercise in April 2021 in preparation for the G20 Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting 2021, which will take place in September 2021 under the Presidency of Italy. The 2021 G20, under the Italian Presidency, will focus on three broad, interconnected pillars of action: People, Planet, Prosperity. Within these pillars, the G20 aims to take the lead in ensuring a swift international response to the COVID-19 pandemic – able to provide equitable, worldwide access to diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines – while building up resilience to future health-related shocks.
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Examples of agri-SME risk management and post-COVID policy implications

This is the third and final session of a LIVE TALKS series on "Risk Management for Agri-SME Finance" co-hosted by the Smallholder and Agri-SME Finance and Investment Network (SAFIN) and the Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development (FARM-D) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization's Social Finance Programme and the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM). The webinar will focus on concrete examples of agricultural risk management (ARM) tools that have been implemented by agri-SMEs before and since the COVID-19 crisis. The session will also explore emerging policy issues in ARM. The first portion of the webinar will include three case study presentations covering distinct ARM solutions deployed in specific value chains, operational and geographical contexts. This will be followed by a moderated panel discussion where the case study presenters will examine the evolution of risks since the pandemic, and the effectiveness and limitations of ARM tools available to agri-SMEs to address them, as well as the policy implications to be considered as we look to building back better post-COVID. A short Q&A will provide an opportunity to answer questions from the audience, before concluding the session and the series with final conclusions and closing remarks.
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Case study analysis: examples of risk management for agri-SME finance

This is the second session of a LIVE TALKS series on "Risk Management for Agri-SME Finance" co-hosted by the Smallholder and Agri-SME Finance and Investment Network (SAFIN) and the Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development (FARM-D) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization's Social Finance Programme and the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM). This webinar builds on the LIVE TALK 01: Risk management for agri-SME finance: addressing new challenges in the era of COVID-19, which was held on 24 September 2020. This second session focuses on concrete examples of risk management tools that have been used by financial institutions and other actors to provide financial services to agri-SMEs during and after the COVID-19 crisis. The webinar opens with the presentation of case studies covering specific approaches: describing their original focus or intent, as well as any shift resulting from the pandemic, and sharing an assessment of their impact and lessons learned. This is followed by a Q&A session before closing with some key conclusions and takeaways from the case studies.
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Risk management for agri-SME finance: addressing new challenges in the era of COVID-19

This is the first session of a LIVE TALKS SERIES on "Risk Management for Agri-SME Finance" co-hosted by the Smallholder and Agri-SME Finance and Investment Network (SAFIN) and the Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development (FARM-D) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization's Social Finance Programme and the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM). The webinar will provide an introduction into the key areas of focus for the Live Talk series. Starting with an overview of the tools available for agricultural risk management, the session will then turn to a panel of experts for a deeper discussion on the new risks that have been introduced by the crisis, the new challenges they present in relation to the existing “toolbox”, and the response that has been observed thus far from agri-SMEs and other actors in the field.
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Good practices and innovation in risk management for agri-SME finance under COVID-19

The Smallholder and Agri-SME Finance Network (SAFIN), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) and the Forum for Agricultural Risk Management (FARM-D) are pleased to announce a call for case studies on agricultural risk management approaches that can be used by agri-SMEs and agrifinance providers during and after the COVID-19 crisis, as part of an upcoming e-learning LIVE TALK series on this theme. Click here to submit your case! The deadline for submissions is 15 August 2020, 23.59 CEST time.
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Your Community on #agrisk management is online!

The Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development (FARM-D) is finally out! With a brand new look, your Community of Practice - hosted by PARM - offers several opportunities for knowledge exchange on #agrisk management. You can learn and share articles, stories, webinars, publications and much more... Join now and explore:
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Regional Extension Services Training in Ethiopia

To continue building on the successful CD activities of Phase1 in Ethiopia, PARM, in collaboration with Hawassa University and the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (MoANR), supported the organization of two ARM training sessions (two full day/sessions) in Asosa and in Adama to regional state extension workers on the relevance of market-oriented extension service.
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Setting-up mission in Burkina Faso

The Secretariat officially launched a first inception mission in Ouagadougou from 11-14 November 2019. The mission aimed to present PARM to the most relevant Government counterpart in Burkina Faso, the Ministry of Agriculture (MAAH), and to local representatives of PARM’s key partners and established network of technical financial partners in the country.
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PARM H2 Inception Mission in Ethiopia

In view of the official launch of second phase of PARM (2019-2024), the Platform organized a country mission from 21-25 October 2019 to present to the national and international stakeholders the new PARM process and collect information to identify potential areas of collaboration with existing or new programmes linked to agricultural risk management.
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PARM country mission in Niger

In view of the official launch of second phase of PARM (2019-2024), in Niger, the Platform organized a country mission from 20 September – 4 October 2019. The mission aimed to engage key partners’ interest in the next phase of PARM 2019/2024 and in the three focus areas jointly identified with Government of Niger during phase 1: i) Capacity Development, ii) Warehouse Receipt System (WRS) and contract farming linked to the food security national plans iii) information systems for famers. 
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Expert workshop: finalising the top three innovations for Challenge Fund

The Challenge Fund led by the GFDRR, PARM, Center for Disaster Protection and the World Bank’s Agriculture Observatory, Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Program received 55 proposals from a competitive call for innovations on agricultural risk management in Southern Africa. An initial top 10 proposals have been selected for this expert workshop in London. The workshop aims to finalize the top 3 innovations to receive the fund for this competition. The assessment of the top innovations to be led by a Grand Jury. The proposals focused on innovative tools to find risk financing solutions by using new technologies and approaches to assess extreme weather shocks, price volatility and animal and plant health.
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16th Steering Committee Meeting

The 16th Steering Committee Annual Review Meeting is hosted by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Rome on Thursday 11 April , 2019. The meeting objective is to review PARM and NEPAD annual implementation progress for the previous year and present its Annual Report 2018. The meeting will also be an occasion to update the members on the upcoming planned activities and present the KM Plan 2019 along with the results of the capacity development activities, such as the CD Materials. The main focus of the afternoon session will be on the future of presentation of PARM external final evaluation and next steps toward the implementation of PARM Horizon 2.

PARM/IFAD,FAO, NEPAD joint e-learning courses on ARM

The Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM), hosted by the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are launching of a series of e-learning courses on Agricultural Risk Management on Thursday 4th of April 2019 in FAO headquarters in Rome. Key note speakers from FAOIFADPARM and NEPAD will present the courses and their strategic role in contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2 and 13.
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High Level Policy Dissemination Workshop in Zambia

A High Level Dissemination Workshop jointly organised by PARM and the Government of Zambia, is planned in Lusaka on the 2nd of April 2019. The main objective of the workshop is to share the results of the Feasibility Studies on Enhancing the Zambian Warehouse Receipt System and Aligning the Food Reserve Agency Strategic Plans to the system and on the Improvement of agricultural risk information for meso level stakeholders. The workshop will be an opportunity to discuss about the potential interests of the development partners to invest in the tools and carry on the discussion with the government.
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Agriculture Coordination Committee in Liberia

On the 28 March 2019, PARM will disseminate the results of the feasibility studies on Improving access to agricultural risk information for meso level stakeholders in Liberia; and on integrating ARM capacity development trainings into the extension service strategy. This is will take place during the Agriculture Coordination Committee (ACC) meeting hosted by the MoA in Monrovia. The meeting will be an opportunity to discuss about the potential interests of the development partners to invest in the tools and carry on the discussion with the government.
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Building capacities to empower farmers to manage risks at farm level: lessons from experience

The Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) is organizing its 3rd K-Sharing and Learning event “Building capacities to empower farmers to manage risks at farm level: lessons from experience” on Wednesday, 12 December 2018 in Lusaka. The main objective of the event is to bring stakeholders together to exchange ideas on innovative and solution-based capacity development approaches to disseminating knowledge at the farm level, through peer-to-peer, south-south cooperation and partnership building - read the event Concept Note and Agenda.

This event has become necessary following stakeholders’ recognition of capacity development as one of the key pillars for agricultural risk management, and the need to strengthen farmers capacity to develop innovative solutions to mitigate, cope and/or transfer the risk of all kinds.

The event will welcome participants from across government agencies, farmers' organizations, the private sector, civil society groups and many more. Participants will share and exchange ideas through panel discussions, showcase and group activities.

The event registration is open until  20th November 2018. Partner and non-partner organizations are welcome to submit their initiative for the showcase activity through our online Call for Proposal Form by 20th November 2018.

The main activities of this event are coordinated by the PARM team in Rome, Italy, and its partners in Zambia. Any further information should be forwarded to

Find the event Concept Note and Agenda below;  
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15th Steering Committee

The 15th Steering Committee will be hosted by the KfW on the 15th November 2018. The meeting aims at reviewing PARM implementation progress for the current semester and focus the discussion on the plan for 2019 and the way forward for the PARM Horizon 2 implementation.

High-level Policy Dissemination Workshop in Niger

A High Level Dissemination workshop jointly organized by PARM, the HC3N and NEPAD is planned in Niamey on 26th October 2018. The main objective of the workshop is to share the results of the Feasibility Studies on access to information and warehouse & contract farming. The workshop will be an opportunity to discuss about the potential interests of the development partners to invest in the tools and carry on the discussion with the government.
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Capacity Development Seminar in Zambia (CD1)

From the 27th to the 28th of June, 2018 PARM will organise in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture of Zambia, a capacity development seminar (CD1) to create general capacities, knowledge and awareness on ARM among the participants and beyond, including officials from Government agencies, farmers and stakeholders' organizations. The seminar will be organised as part of the E-SAPP project.
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Technical meeting and capacity develepment seminar (CD3) in Niger

PARM and the Office of the Commissioner for the C3N initiative to organize a technical meeting and capacity development seminar (CD3) on information systems and warrantage activities for agricultural risk management in Niger. The seminar will be held in Niamey.
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14th PARM Steering Committee

The 14th Steering Committee will be hosted by the European Commission/DEVCO on the 11th June 2018. The meeting aims at reviewing PARM implementation progress for the current semester and focus the discussion on the design document of PARM Horizon 2.

Capacity Development Training (CD2) in Ethiopia

From 29th May to 2nd June 2018 PARM, in collaboration with the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (MoANR) and University of Hawassa , will organize a training course on ARM (CD2) for the extension services. This course is meant to be a pilot course designed to provide also future support for ARM training needs to the extension service in Ethiopia and, possibly, with a view of future integration in standards undergraduate and graduate courses offered by Ethiopian universities. Main learning objectives of the ARM training are:
  1. To enhance understanding of agricultural risks and risk management practices among key stakeholders (farmers, farmers' organization, extension service, private sector, etc.) in business-oriented agriculture;
  2. To provide knowledge, skills and tools for agricultural risk assessment, risk prioritization and risk management for different stakeholders, with emphasis on small farmers.​
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High-level Policy Dissemination Workshop & Capacity Development Training (CD3) in Cabo Verde

A High Level Dissemination workshop jointly organized by PARM, the Ministry of Agriculture of Cabo Verde and NEPAD is planned in Praia on the 10th of May 2018. The main objective of the workshop is to share the results of the Feasibility Studies on access to rural finance by farmer organization and linkage to local markets. The workshop will be an opportunity to discuss about the potential interests of the development partners to invest in the tools and carry on the discussion with the government. Two one-day training activities related to PARM feasibility studies (CD3) will also be organised in collaboration with the Gov. and delivered on the 9th of May 2018.
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Capacity Development (CD2) Training in Niger

From 23rd to 26th April 2018, PARM and Aghrymet will organize in partnership a regional training event on ARM (CD2). The training will take place in Niamey and will host participants from the Sahel countries. In addition to the countries in which PARM works (Senegal, Cameroon and Niger), the training will also include participants from across other Sahel countries, including Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali and Mauritania. This training focuses on regional awareness on ARM. It aims to provide participants with skills and knowledge to understand and design agricultural risk management strategies. The course structure is oriented towards the structure of the risk management cycle with a holistic approach that assesses the diversity of sources of risk and all risk management options, from agricultural practices to improved seeds, irrigation or financial tools. The course will be complemented by presentation from the participants on risk profiles of their country of origin and country case studies on ARM.
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13th Steering Committee

The 13th Steering Committee Annual Review Meeting is hosted by the Agence Française de Développent (AFD) in Paris on Wednesday 21 February from 09:00 to 16:00. The meeting objective is to review PARM and NEPAD annual implementation progress for the previous year and present its Annual Report 2017. The meeting will also be an occasion to update the members on the upcoming planned activities and present the KM Plan 2018 along with the results of the capacity development activities, such as the CD Materials. The main focus of the afternoon session will be on the future of PARM and presenting the first draft design document of PARM Horizon 2.

High Level Dissemination ARM Workshop in Cameroon

A High Level Dissemination Agricultural National ARM Workshop jointly organized by PARM-NEPAD and the Ministry of Agriculture (MINADER) is planned in Yaoundé on the 7th of December 2017. The main objective of the workshop is to share the results of the Feasibility Study on information systems linked to warehouse and discuss about the potential interests of the development partners to invest in the tool and carry on the discussion with the government. As well as discuss how to integrate the identified tool into the National strategic papers.  
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4th PARM Advisory Committee Meeting

PARM 4th Advisory Committee Meeting was hosted in IFAD HQ on 26th October 2017 bringing together knowledge and cooperation partners, private sector, regional economic communities (RECs) and farmer organizations.

Agricultural Risk Management: practices and lessons learned for development

PARM in collaboration with its partners raised the need to foster the exchange of knowledge and bring together the experiences available on Agricultural Risk Management (ARM) in developing countries with the objective to build and develop a more structured collection of good practices and lessons learned on ARM as guidance for policy makers and rural development practitioners to strategically implement and mainstream ARM. For this purpose, the Platform is organizing an International Workshop on practices and lessons learned for development in Agricultural Risk Management in October 2017 (tbc), at IFAD headquarters in Rome, Italy.
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Capacity Development Trainings (CD2-CD3)

In collaboration with other Senegalese Institutions, PARM is organising jointly with the University Cheick Anta Diop of Dakar (UCAD) and the Ministry of Agriculture (MAER) a pilot ARM training (CD2) course that will be delivered from the 9th to 13th of October 2017 in Dakar. Two one-day training activities related to PARM feasibility studies (CD3) will also be organised at the Ministry of Agriculture (MAER) and delivered on the 16th and 17th of October 2017, respectively on Access to Information (CIRAD) and Remittances (RMDA).
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High-level Policy Dissemination Workshop in Senegal

A High Level Dissemination workshop jointly organized by PARM, the Ministry of Agriculture (MAER) and NEPAD is planned in Dakar in July 2017 (date to be confirmed).  The main objective of the workshop is to share the results of the Feasibility Studies and discuss about the potential interests of the development partners to invest in the tools and carry on the discussion with the government. As well as discuss how to integrate the identified tools into the National strategic papers.
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11th Steering Committee Meeting

The 11th Steering Committee will be hosted by the Italian Ministry on the 20th June 2016 and will bring  together representatives of EC, AFD, IFAD, Italian Government, German Cooperation (BMZ/KfW) and NEPAD. The meeting aims at reviewing PARM implementation progress for the current semester and discussed the way forward for PARM 2.0.

Risk Assessment Workshop in Liberia

A National Stakeholder ValidationWorkshop is planned jointly by PARM, the Ministry of Agriculture and NEPAD inMonrovia, Liberia on the 14th June. The main objective of the workshop is the presentation and discussion of the Draft Agricultural Risk Assessment study.  The expected outcomes are to identify and prioritize the most relevant agriculture risks affecting both farmers and other stakeholders, to define related transformation deliverables, and to guide future decisions about national strategies and programs/investments.

Capacity Development (CD1) Seminar in Liberia

From the 19th to the 21st of April PARM will conduct a mission in Liberia. The objective is to deliver the first CD1 seminar, to create general capacities, knowledge and awareness on ARM among the participants and beyond, including officials from Government agencies, farmers and stakeholders' organizations. The mission aims as well to prepare the upcoming RAS workshop in June 2017, by meeting with development partners and the government.
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Capacity Development (CD2) Training Course with Makerere University in Uganda

From 27th  to the 31st March 2017, the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) at Makerere University delivered the pilot ARM training course with the support of PARM and the participation of the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF). Participants were from Uganda and Rwanda. The aim of the pilot ARM training course was to build a pool of ARM experts able to use the knowledge acquired to improve risk management in Uganda and train other stakeholders. MAAIF showed interest to have future ARM trainings delivered by Makerere University to increase ARM capacity for extension service.
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“Senegal Risk Assessment: a look into the livestock and fisheries sector” joint PARM/FARM-D Webinar

The Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) along with the Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development (FARM-D) is organizing a webinar on "Senegal Risk Assessment: a look into the livestock and fisheries sector”, on Wednesday 15th March 2017 at 9:30 (DC), 15:30 (Rome). This webinar will be an occasion to discuss the findings of the recent PARM assessment study with authors.
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Launch of PARM process in Zambia

From 6 to 10 March 2017, PARM will conduct its first setting-up mission in Zambia to officially launch the PARM process in the country. The objective of the mission is to develop a road map to initiate the discussion on the integration of agricultural risk management (ARM) into national rural and agricultural strategic development policies and setting-up for the Risk Assessment Study.

Setting-up of Capacity Development (CD2) in Senegal

From 6 to 10 March 2017, PARM will conduct a setting-up mission in Senegal to follow-up on the Capacity Development Strategy Level 2 (CD2) with the objective to integrate and institutionalize high level ARM knowledge in the local academic curricula and extension service strategies. The vision is to create a pool of local ARM experts through an advance training to timely advice and train farmers across the country on managing agricultural risks.
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10th Steering Committee

The 10th Steering Committee was held via Teleconference on the 24th February 2017 and brought together representatives of EC, AFD, IFAD, Italian Government, German Cooperation (BMZ/KfW) and NEPAD. The PARM Secretariat will present the 2016 Annual Report and highilght the year main milestones. The meeting will also present the final mid-term evaluation report and present the KM Plan 2017 and updates of the latest activities.

3rd PARM Advisory Committee Meeting

PARM 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting was hosted by IFAD HQ on 1st February 2017 bringing together knowledge and cooperation partners, private sector, regional economic communities (RECs) and farmer organizations.

Information Systems for ARM

PARM in collaboration with other development partners is organizing a knowledge sharing event in Rome, hosted by IFAD end of January 2017. The main objective of the workshop is to lead collaborative dialogue and build partnerships among the different thematic experts and development partners, private sector and government to facilitate the collection of recommendations on how to make accessible information and develop harmonized information systems to enhance investments in agriculture to manage risks. During the event it will also be launched PARM Study on "Informational Assessment of Agricultural Risk Management Information Systems (ARM-IS)" in 7 Africa Countries.
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“Information Systems for Agricultural Risk Management” joint PARM/FARM-D Webinar

The Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) along with the Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development (FARM-D) organized a webinar on “Information Systems for Agricultural Risk Management”, on 27th January 2017. This webinar will be an occasion to discuss with the author of the study Alberto Garrido the findings of the recent PARM assessment study on 7 African countries.
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Risk Assessment Workshop in Cameroon

A National Stakeholder Workshop will take place on the 7th December 2016 in Yaoundé, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) and NEPAD. The objective of the workshop is to present and discuss the Draft Risk Assessment Study currently on-going and identify priorities on risks and tools in Cameroon.
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ARM Policy Dialogue Workshop in Uganda

A High Policy Dialogue Workshop on Agriculture Risk Management (ARM) will take place on the 29th November, 2016, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF). The objective of the workshop is to raise awareness and enhance further domestication of the work undertaken by the MAAIF in collaboration with PARM and partners on mainstreaming Agricultural Risk Management, to disseminate the results of this process and to support the Government of Uganda, the development and private sector partners to lead the move into the implementation phase of the identified ARM tools and initiatives.
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9th Steering Committee

The night Steering Committee was hosted by the European Commission in Brussels on the 10th November 2016 and brought together representatives of EC, AFD, IFAD, Italian Government, German Cooperation (BMZ/KfW) and NEPAD. The meeting reviewed PARM implementation progress for the year 2016 and discussed the way forward and future of PARM.

Capacity Development and Risk Assessment Workshop in Cabo Verde

A first Capacity Development Seminar took place on 13 July 2016, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and NEPAD. It provided national stakeholders from government agencies, farmers organizations and private sector an introduction to the holistic approach to Agricultural Risk Management, the methodology of PARM to assess risks, and an overview of tools used to manage agricultural risks. Moreover, a National Stakeholder Workshop took place on 15-16 July 2016 , in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and NEPAD, to present and discuss the Draft Risk Assessment Study currently on-going and identify priorities on risks and tools.
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8th Steering Committee

The eight Steering Committee was held via Teleconference on the 30th June 2016 and brought together representatives of EC, AFD, IFAD, Italian Government, German Cooperation (BMZ/KfW) and NEPAD. The meeting reviewed PARM implementation progress for the current semester and discussed the way forward.

Risk Assessment Workshop in Senegal

A National Stakeholder Workshop took place in late June 2016 in Senegal, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and NEPAD. The objective of the workshop was to present and discuss the Draft Risk Assessment Study currently on-going and identify priorities on risks and tools.
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Capacity Development Seminar in Cameroon

A first Capacity Development Seminar was planned for June 15-16 2016, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and NEPAD. It provided national stakeholders from government agencies, farmers organizations and private sector an introduction to the holistic approach to Agricultural Risk Management, the methodology of PARM to assess risks, and an overview of tools used to manage agricultural risks.
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Information systems workshop in Cameroon

Following the launch by PARM and CEIGRAM of a study on information systems across six countries in sub-Saharan Africa, including Cameroon, a technical workshop with national experts was organized in Yaoundé to share the results of the Information Systems study on Cameroon for enhancements.
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“Learning about ARM tools” joint PARM/FARM-D webinar

The Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) along with the Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development (FARM-D) are organizing a webinar on  “Learning about Agricultural Risk Management Tools”, on 1st June 2016. The webinar will be an occasion to discuss the module on ARM tools developed by PARM as part of the broader e-Learning course “Agricultural Risk Assessment and Management for Food Security in Developing Countries” in collaboration with FAO.
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Information Systems workshop in Ethiopia

The Platform for agricultural risk management (PARM-IFAD) and CEIGRAM launched a study in 2015 on information systems across six countries in sub-Saharan Africa, including Ethiopia. According to the PARM methodology, each analysis and activities represents itself a pillar in the process and, for this reason, a technical workshop with national experts was organized in Addis to share the results of the Information Systems study on Ethiopia for enhancements. The meeting was held in Addis on May 31st hosted by the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) in collaboration with the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA).
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Information systems workshop in Uganda

The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industries, and Fisheries (MAAIF) with the support of the IFAD hosted Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) has carried analysis on the current status of information systems in the country and is now looking for ways on how to improve the use of information for agricultural risk management (ARM) purposes. The workshop, that was held on May 26th in Kampala brought together a broad range of stakeholders from public sector, private sector, the farming community, and the development community together to discuss the need for action in the area of ARM related information systems in Uganda.
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Setting-up Mission in Liberia

PARM in collaboration with NEPAD organised its first visit to the country in May 2016 to get the official commitment of the Government of Liberia and to develop a road map to initiate the discussion on the integration of agricultural risk management (ARM) into national rural and agricultural strategic development policies, plans and budget. Meetings with national and international stakeholders working on ARM contributed to mainstreaming the PARM process and to the identification of potential synergies to support PARM studies and capacity development.
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3IE Workshop on Agricultural Risk Mitigation

The PARM team, in partnership with IFAD, participated to a matchmaking workshop on Impact Evaluation of Agricultural Risk Mitigation projects, organized by the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3iE) in Nairobi, Kenya. During this event, PARM contributed to the design of the evaluation window. In addition, IFAD projects related to agricultural risk management were presented for potential impact evaluations.
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12th CAADP Partnership Platform

PARM meets in Ghana in occasion of the 12TH CAADP Partnership Platform that took take place in Accra (Ghana) from 11 to 15 April 2016 and was organised under the theme “Innovative Financing and Renewed Partnership” to accelerate CAADP Implementation.
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Capacity Development Seminar in Senegal

A Capacity Development Seminar took place on 31 March-1 April 2015 in Dakar, Senegal. The main objectives of the seminar was to provide trainees with critical capacity to understand the meaning of holistic approach to analyze and manage the main agriculture risks affecting smallholders.
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Setting-up mission in Mozambique

PARM organised its first setting-up mission to the country from 7-11 March 2016, to get the official commitment of the Government of Mozambique and to develop a road map to initiate the discussion on the integration of agricultural risk management (ARM) into national rural and agricultural strategic development policies, plans and budget.
Different meetings with national and international stakeholders actives on ARM contributed to mainstream PARM process and identify potential synergies to support PARM studies and capacity development.
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7th PARM Steering Committee

The seventh Steering Committee is planned for 25th February 2015. The meeting will review PARM annual implementation progress for the year 2015 and discuss the way forward.

Learning Event | Walking the tightrope: risk management & insurance for smallholders

In occasion of the IFAD Global Staff Meeting, PARM in collaobration with the Weather Risk Management Facility (WRMF) organized a learning event addressed to IFAD project staff on 25th February 2016 in IFAD HQ in Rome. The training introduced basic concepts of an holistic approach to agricultural risk management, and went deeper into the role of agricultural insurance within this, through games and  highlights of case studies.
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Follow-up Mission in Senegal

A follow-up mission was organized to meet with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Equipment (MAER), strengthen synergies with national and regional partners, and to validate the Terms of Reference of the Risk Assessment Study with the technical committee. A PARM country liaison officer was also selected.
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Risk Assessment Workshop in Ethiopia

A National Stakeholder Workshop took place on 16-17 December 2015 in Addis, Ethiopia in collaboration with the Government of Ethiopia, represented by the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency and NEPAD. The objective of the workshop was to present and discuss the Draft Risk Assessment Study currently on-going and identify priorities on risks and tools.
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Risk Assessment Workshop in Niger

A National Stakeholder Workshop took place on 10 December 2015 in Niamey, Niger in collaboration with the Government of Niger, represented by the HC3N and in strategic partnership with NEPAD. The objective of the workshop was to present and discuss theRisk Assessment Study conducted to complement the previous World Bank Risk Assessment Study and identify priorities on risks and tools.
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Capacity Development Seminar in Niger

A Capacity Development Training in collaboration with HC3N took place on 9 December 2015 in Niamey, Niger. The main objectives of the training was to provide trainees with critical capacity to understand the meaning of holistic approach to analyze and manage the main agriculture risks affecting smallholders.
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Capacity Development Training in Uganda

A Capacity Development Training took place 8-9 December 2015 at district level in Uganda as a follow-up of the Capacity Development Seminar that took place in July 2015. The main objectives of the training was to provide trainees with critical capacity to understand the meaning of holistic approach to analyze and manage the main agriculture risks affecting smallholders.
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MFW4A-IFAD/PARM Webinar on Warehousing Systems in SSA

Join our next webinar co-organized by IFAD/PARM and Making Finance Work for Africa (MFW4A) and hosted by MFW4A on Warehousing and Collateral Management Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa on December 2, 2015 at 14:00 GMT | 15:00 CET | 9:00 ET .
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2nd PARM Advisory Committee Meeting

PARM 2nd Advisory Committee Meeting was held via Teleconference on 26th November 2015 bringing together knowledge and cooperation partners, private sector, regional economic communities (RECs) and farmer organizations.

Joint IFAD/PARM/FAO Webinar on: “Appropriate Warehousing and Collateral Management in SSA”

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) along with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) are organising the next Rural and Agricultural Finance and Investment Technical Network (RAFI-TN) Webinar on: "Appropriate Warehousing and Collateral Management in Sub-saharn Africa" on November 18th from 3:00 pm CET to 4:30 pm CET. Join us!
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FARM-D hosting Webinar on PARM Uganda Risk Assessment Study

  The Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) along with the Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development (FARMD) is organising a Webinar Presentation of the "Uganda Risk Assessment Study" by PARM on November 11th from 9:00 am EDT to 10:00 am EDT. Mark your calendar and register to attend the event now!
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6th PARM Steering Committee Meeting

The 6th Steering Committee Planning Review Meeting was agreed to be held on November 5th, 2015 via Teleconference.
The meeting will review PARM goals for the year 2016 and determine its strategy to ensuring quality and timely delivery of the PARM programme outcomes. The PARM Secretariat and NEPAD will present the on-going implementation progress and budget and discuss the Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWPB) for the coming year, including update the long-term plan 2014-2017.

6th Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security

In the occasion of the upcoming commemoration of the 6th Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security (ADFNS) that will be held from the 28th to the 30th October 2015 in Kampala, PARM together with NEPAD, will organize a pre-event on October 28th and participate in one Panel on October 29th. Our objective is sharing the experience of the platform in raising awareness and mainstreaming agricultural risk management (ARM) policies through CAADP processes in sub-Saharan Africa. During the PARM pre-event on Wednesday 28th, the Risk Assessment Study on Uganda will be launched. In addition, PARM will host two side-meetings on the 27th to bring together the different PARM stratetic partners, country focal points and experts that are actively involved in PARM process and policies.
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Risk Assessment Workshop in Uganda

A National Stakeholder Workshop is planned for 29-30 June 2015 in Kampala. The objective of the workshop is to present and discuss the Draft Risk Assessment Study currently on-going and the Agricultural Risk Management Information System (ARM-IS) study requested by the Government. The outcome of the workshop will be to identify priorities on risks and tools in view of developing specific feasibility studies.
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Joint FAO/NEPAD/PARM E-learning Workshop

The Consultative Workshop on Agriculture Risk Assessment and Management is being organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Agency, and the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) hosted by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) on 17 and 18 June 2015, at IFAD Headquarters, Rome, Italy. The workshop will bring together practitioners and stakeholders from government, knowledge and cooperation partners, farmers organisations, regional economic communities and private sector to jointly design an e-learning curriculum on Agricultural Risk Assessment and Management (ARAM) to be developed in support of capacity development for managing agricultural risks in developing countries.
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Launch of PARM process in Gambia

Despite the Gambia was not originally one of the PARM selected countries, the strong interest expressed by the Minister of Agriculture during a meeting held in IFAD HQ in December 2014 lead PARM Secretariat to include the country for the 2015 setting-up phase. A follow-up mission took place from 20 to 24 April jointly with NEPAD to formalize the country official commitment and launch PARM process in Gambia.
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Setting-up mission to Senegal

A joint PARM-NEPAD first country visit in Senegal was undertaken from 13-19 April 2015 with the organisation of a one-day inception workshop. The mission represented the first step of PARM process in Senegal and to find synergies with the Risk Assessment Study (RAS) recently undertaken by the World Bank in March 2015.
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FARMAF Policy Workshop

PARM was invited to contribute in a keynote presentation on "Mitigating farm risk in Africa: what role can policy play" in occasion of the FARMAF Policy workshop held in Lusaka, Zambia from 13-16 April 2015.
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11th CAADP Partnership Platform

The 11th meeting held in Johannesburg from 23 to 26 March 2015, represented the first CAADP Partnership Platform (PP) after the Malabo Declaration. Given PARM partnership with NEPAD and active role in support of the CAADP process in the selected countries in the field of agricultural risk management, PARM was invited to participate and contribute to the discussions.
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Preliminary mission to Senegal and World Bank Workshop

PARM organized a preliminary mission to Senegal to learn and build synergies in occasion of the Agricultural Risk Management (ARM) workshop of the World Bank. In particular, PARM mission aimed at introducing the PARM process to the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure synergies with the country on-going activities, in view of the PARM setting-up mission in April.
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Launch of PARM process in Cameroon

PARM jointly with IFAD organised its first visit to Cameroon from 5 to 14 March to launch PARM setting-up process and mainstreaming PARM process with on-going activities and identifying potential synergies with national stakeholders
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4th Steering Committee Meeting

The fourth Steering Committee meeting was held on March 3rd in Paris hosted by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) Headquarters Offices in Paris chaired by IFAD.

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Setting-up mission in Ethiopia

 A country visit to Ethiopia took place in February 2015 to build on the November Policy Forum outcomes and follow-up on PARM engagement into the Government ARM strategy.
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Niger: Setting-up Mission

The PARM Team jointly with NEPAD organised a mission to Niger to follow-up on the PARM/NEPAD, WB and FAO Workshop to build synergies and re-launch activities in the country.

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Uganda: Setting-up mission

The PARM Team organised its first visit to the country in December 2014 to follow-up on the agricultural risk management process already started with FAO and NEPAD in 2013.

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Ethiopia: kick-off workshop

PARM jointly with AFRACA, NEPAD and FAO co-organized a three day workshop on “Policy Forum on Integrating agriculture and food risk management and innovative financial services” that took place in Addis Ababa on 11-13 November 2014.

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FARM-D Annual Conference 2014

The Forum for Agriculture Risk Management in Development (FARM-D), a platform supported by the Swiss Government, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and coordinated by the World Bank's Agricultural Risk Management Team, has organised its Annual Conference in Johannesburg from Nov. 4 – 6, 2014. The FARM-D 2014 Annual Conference on "Managing Agricultural Risks in a Changing Climate in Sub-Saharan Africa", included interventions and panels/discussions with the participation of international organisations, private sector, national and regional institutions and experts within the ARM and Climate Change community.
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3rd Steering Commitee Meeting

The third Steering Committee meeting was held on October 30th at NEPAD Headquarters Offices in Johannesburg, South Africa chaired by IFAD
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1st PARM Advisory Commitee

PARM First Advisory Committee Meeting was held via Teleconference on 29th October 2014 from NEPAD HQ in Johannesburg, bringing together knowledge and cooperation partners, private sector, regional economic communities (RECs) and farmer organizations.

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PARM Secretariat Fully on Board

The Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) Secretariat has been fully operational from September 1st with the appointment of its three new team members, hosted in IFAD Headquarters in Rome.
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Launch of project design in Senegal

In September, PARM is launching a project design phase in Senegal, liaising with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Equipment and technical and financial partners to identify the potential synergies with programmes and financial mechanisms to support the implementation phase of that project. In this framework, a design mission is scheduled after the summer.
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