In March 2023, PARM has engaged with the Government of Tunisia through General Directorate of Financing Investment and Professional Organizations (DGFIOP) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries (MARHP) to help the country identify and prioritize agricultural risks and set up instruments to mitigate the prioritized risks.
In Tunisia, PARM has finalized the agricultural value chain risk assessment study (AVC-RAS), which focused on the cereals and olive oil value chains. The study aimed to provide decision-makers with a clear understanding of the risk profiles associated with these critical sectors. It also offers recommendations for appropriate ARM tools to mitigate investment risks and enhance the resilience of both value chains.
From 24 June to 6 July 2024, PARM team held a series of technical consultations during the design mission with public, semi-public and private institutions and civil society, under the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Maritime Fishing (MARHP). The encounters enabled the key actors to reach a consensus on the development of an operational instrument entitled “Resilient, Sustainable and Inclusive Agriculture for Investment in Tunisia ” (ARDII-Tounes in French). The latter will be developed by PARM, in close collaboration with MARHP, and in consortium with the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (CGIAR-ICARDA) and the Center for International Cooperation in Agronomic Research for Development (CIRAD).
On 3-4 July 2023, PARM organized the first capacity development workshop to raise awareness of stakeholders on the importance of ARM. The objective of the mission was the implementation of the raising awareness workshop about the importance of Agricultural Risk Management (ARM) with a value chain perspective, as well as an introduction to the institutionalization of ARM. 52 participants, of which 26 women, attended the workshop.
Following this first cycle of capacity building training, a training of trainers’ workshop on ARM was held in Tunis from 4 to 8 March 2024 and gathered over 40 trainers from universities, training centers, farmers’ organizations, private sector companies, women’s organizations, and microfinance institutions. To bridge theory with practice, participants embarked on a field visit on 6 March 2024 to Ben Ismail Family Reserve in the province of Béja.
Upon request from the World Bank, PARM has supported capacity-building of nearly 30 trainers from key projects of the TRACE (Tunisian Rural and Agricultural Chains Employment) programme, namely the Tunisian Union of Social Solidarity (UTSS in French), the NGO Inter-Arab Enda, the consortium Microfinanza, ACK International and AGER on 21-25 October 2024 in Hammamet. To further explore the training themes, participants carried out a field visit to the herbal distillery of the Mutual Agricultural Services Company (SMSA in French) in Nabeul, where they explored the potential of cooperative work as an ARM tool.
To ensure the appropriation of the AVC-RAS and enhance policy dialogue, PARM presented and discussed the preliminary results of the AVC-RAS with various stakeholders involved in the agricultural sector and in both value chains, during a knowledge-sharing workshop organised from 29 February to 1 March 2024 in Tunis. The workshop brought together 139 participants (including 69 women from the government, civil society, technical and financial partners, and the private sector). Open discussions during the meeting resulted in the validation of the study by the Tunisian government.
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