October 2018 - PARM, in collaboration with the Haut Commissariat à L'Initiative 3N "Les Nigériens Nourrissent les Nigériens" (HC3N),  and NEPAD, organized the High-Level Policy Dissemination Workshop in Niamey, Niger on October 26. The objective was to discuss and share the results of the PARM Process with the Nigerien authorities, and to the bilateral technical and financial partners, as well as the main stakeholders.

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This high-level workshop aimed to discuss and present the results of the feasibility studies on the two Agriculture Risk Management (ARM) tools: 1) Strengthening the information system on ARM in Niger; and 2) Future contracts and warehouse receipt systems connected to national strategies. It also featured a presentation on the importance of capacity development on ARM (considered a third component of the PARM package offered in Niger). As a policy level event, the workshop was also an opportunity to obtain feedback and provoke discussion among experts and national and international stakeholders to raise awareness about Agriculture Risk Management (ARM) policies and tools.

Another important dimension of the workshop was to link regional priorities for resilience in the agriculture sector. In this respect, a presentation was delivered by the coordinator for the Plateforme Ministérielle de Coordination des stratégies Sahel (PMC).

Overall, the workshop welcomed over 100 participants. The presentations on the feasibility study results, together with the panel discussions and presentations on the regional platform for resilience delivered by the actors increased the participants’ knowledge on ARM tools, the potential for implementation in Niger as well as and the national and regional implications. By the end of the workshop, stakeholders widely understood the ARM tools as primordial for Niger’s successful agricultural development and food security.

Please download the workshop report here.