/ Risk Assessment

Cabo Verde – Agricultural Risk Assessment Study

September 2019


Cabo Verde is a developing, archipelagic, dry country with erratic rains, intense soil erosion, little arable land and a high dependence on food imports. These characteristics mean that agricultural risk is very high. In 2013, agriculture employed about 22% of the country’s working population, and this figure reached 82% in rural areas. It is also important to note that rural areas are home to 35% of Cabo Verde’s population, of whom 72% are considered poor. This Agricultural Risk Management (ARM) Study report presents a comprehensive mapping of key agricultural risks in Cabo Verde through a holistic approach. It also provides data and information on priority risks and impacts as well as the existing policies and tools to improve agricultural risk management (ARM) in the country.


PARM (2019). Cabo Verde – Agricultural Risk Assessment Study – (By Baptista., A.J.M.  & Rocha., C.Y.). Rome: PARM/IFAD.

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